Thursday, April 10, 2008

Give Tibet its freedom?

The latest news that seems to be picking up momentum is Tibet's revolution for its freedom from China.They seem to have chosen the right moment to bring this issue to limelight. A well planned move,right when the Olympics is scheduled to be held in Beijing.A situation of unrest at this point may not be what China had in mind.It may also be too much for them to handle from the security for all the foreign nationals point of view.
Some questions as a laywoman--
*)Is Tibet's leaders thinking of everything when they ask for their independence?
*)Or will it help them to continue under the shelter of China?
*)What is the world's role in a situation like this.
*)Is it not the responsibility of the greater nations to try and get the two sections to speak and resolve the same amicably.
The unrest that started in Tibet is spreading accross the world. This is evident thru the various incidents of chaos during the Olympic torch rally...Whats next????

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Secularism and Democracy

The words mentioned in the title are ones that seemed to be losing out on their santity these days,especially in India. we are supposed to be one of the best tolerant nations in the world.That is what makes the present situation a greater irony. I am referring to the ongoing unrest between Tamil nadu and Karnataka.
The issue:Ogaenakal Plant
Beneficiaries: The Politicians
Sufferers: The general folk.
The tamilians in Karnataka and the kannadicas in Tamil nadu are living in constant peril.I being one of the victims constantly feel the insecurity. This seems to be the situation each time there is a political issue between the two states.
>Is this what we are showcasing to the world as best secularism and democracy?
>Even if politician are playing the popular game of divide and rule, aren't we citizens smart enough to decipher truth from lie...
Questions are millions in number, but who is answering...A sad state of things:(